How to build an awesome B2B content distribution strategy

Hey there! 👋

There is so much value in content distribution.

Done right, it enables you to engage and inspire your target audience.

Your content will always get great results if it meets your audience where they are.

So, how do you create a wining content distribution strategy?

The answer is to nurture relationships with your target audience.

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Step #1: Get to know your prospects.

Start with who you’re creating your content for. You don’t just want to push your content out there—you need to get it to your specific audience.

Here’s some questions to get you started:

  • What are your audience’s pain points, needs and motivations?

  • Where do they hang out online?

  • What type of content do they like—for example, do they prefer infographics over whitepapers?

  • What is their search intent?

Step #2: Promote the right content.

It’s time to establish what’s already working so that you can use that to repeat success. Run a content audit to:

  • Optimize content with high SEO ranking potential

  • Identify which types of content drive the most social engagement

  • Find the content that generates the most leads

If content is already performing well, you might want to reuse it in your current content strategy. Where content has low conversions, try to make it more effective using updates. Remove any duplicated content or older content that was to specific events which are no longer relevant.

Step #3: Meet your audience where they are.

Don’t forget that some content types will perform better on specific channels.

Here’s a quick reminder of the main channels.

Owned Media includes your website, blog, podcast, newsletter and social media. It can be used to build brand awareness, engagement and lead generation.

Shared Media is channels that are owned by influencers, thought leaders or top media platforms in your industry. These are great for audience engagement and help you to leverage existing audiences for free promotion.

Paid Media is probably the most difficult to master. But it can create a quick impact if you know your goals, use your top performing content and focus your efforts.

Always test one piece or content (or a smaller content hub) first to evaluate its performance across organic or paid channels.

Step #4: Monitor the best fit KPIs.

You need to monitor the KPIs that align with your content types and enterprise goals using Google Analytics and specialists tools such as Semrush.

Measurement has to be regular, so put it into your content calendar and measure weekly, monthly or quarterly.

Remember this: content won’t perform well if it doesn’t have the right CTAs and customer journey, so make sure you build this into your content strategy.

Step #5: Don’t forget influencer marketing.

Influencer marketing and guest posting allow you to tap into other people’s audiences. Always choose influencers with highly engaged audiences using tools like Buzzsumo or SparkToro.

Then include them in influencer roundups to fill in the gaps in your industry or ask them to comment on findings from your original research so that your content is amplified and optimized to build relationships.

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🎯The key to success with content distribution is testing and retargeting because:

  • Social media is saturated

  • SEO isn’t all it’s cracked up to be—it’s just way too competitive now

  • Cold outreach for content has been overused

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A solid distribution strategy will do justice to all those hours you spend creating great content. Plan early and you’ll see the rewards for the long-term.

I’ll see you again on Saturday 19th February.

Take care,


P.S. What have been your best wins with content distribution?
Hit ‘reply’ and let me know.


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